
CCTV (closed-circuit television) has become an essential security measure for both homes and businesses. It can help deter criminal activity, provide evidence in case of an incident and offer peace of mind to property owners. While many people might be tempted to install CCTV themselves, there are several benefits to hiring a professional CCTV installer. Read on to discover these and much more.

What are the benefits of professional CCTV installation?

There are several advantages to hiring a professional CCTV installer. Here are just a few:

  • Knowledge and Expertise

    A professional CCTV installer has the knowledge and expertise to install the system correctly. They understand the complexities of the system and can ensure it’s set up in a way that maximizes its effectiveness.

  • High-Quality Equipment

    A professional CCTV installer will use high-quality equipment that’s designed to last. They’ll also make sure the equipment is compatible with your property’s electrical system and any other security measures you have in place.

  • Increased Security

    A professionally installed CCTV system will increase the security of your property. The installer will make sure the cameras are placed in strategic locations to capture any suspicious activity, and they’ll set up the system in a way that’s difficult for intruders to bypass.

The stages of CCTV installation

Professional CCTV installation involves several stages to ensure that the system is set up correctly and functioning effectively. Here are the typical stages of CCTV installation:

  • Site Survey

    Before installing CCTV, a professional installer will carry out a site survey to determine the best locations for the cameras. They’ll assess the layout of the property, identify potential blind spots, and consider the lighting conditions to ensure that the cameras capture clear images.

  • Equipment Selection

    Once the site survey is complete, the installer will select the appropriate equipment for the CCTV system. This will include the cameras, recording equipment, and any additional accessories such as cabling and mounting brackets.

  • System Design

    The installer will then design the CCTV system, taking into account the site survey and equipment selection. They’ll create a detailed plan that specifies where each camera will be placed, how the equipment will be connected, and how the footage will be stored.

  • Installation

    The installation process will begin once the system design is complete. The installer will mount the cameras in the locations identified during the site survey, connect the equipment, and test the system to ensure that it’s working correctly.

  • Configuration

    After installation, the installer will configure the CCTV system to ensure that it’s set up correctly. This includes setting up the recording settings, adjusting the camera settings, and configuring the remote access features.

  • Training

    Finally, the installer will provide training to the property owner or relevant personnel on how to use the CCTV system. They’ll explain how to view the footage, retrieve recordings, and access the system remotely. The installer will also provide instructions on how to maintain the system to ensure that it continues to function effectively.

Installing your own CCTV: What are the risks?

While it might be tempting to install CCTV yourself, there are several risks to doing so. Here are some of the main ones:

  • Incorrect Installation

    If you install CCTV incorrectly, it won’t be effective. The cameras might not be placed in the right locations, or the equipment might not be set up correctly.

  • Compatibility Issues

    If you’re not familiar with CCTV equipment, you might not realize that certain cameras aren’t compatible with your property’s electrical system or other security measures.

  • Privacy Concerns

    If you don’t comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 or the Human Rights Act 1998, you could be infringing on individuals’ privacy rights.

CCTV installation FAQS

  • Do I need planning permission for CCTV installation?

    In most cases, you don’t need planning permission to install CCTV on your property. However, there are some exceptions, such as if you live in a listed building or a conservation area. It’s always a good idea to check with your local planning authority before installing CCTV to ensure that you’re not in breach of any regulations.

  • How much does professional CCTV installation cost?

    The cost of professional CCTV installation can vary depending on the size and complexity of the system, as well as the specific requirements of your property. Generally, the cost will include the equipment, labour, and any additional services such as maintenance and support. To get an accurate quote, it’s best to contact a professional CCTV installer and provide them with information about your property and your security needs.

  • How long does CCTV footage stay on record?

    The length of time that CCTV footage stays on record depends on several factors, including the storage capacity of the recording equipment and any legal requirements for retention. In the UK, there are no specific laws that dictate how long CCTV footage should be retained, but many businesses choose to keep footage for at least 30 days. Some businesses may keep footage for longer periods, particularly if they’re in a high-security industry such as finance or law enforcement.

  • Can CCTV cameras be installed in any weather conditions?

    CCTV cameras are designed to withstand a range of weather conditions, but some extreme weather events can damage or interfere with the cameras’ functioning. Professional CCTV installers will take weather conditions into account when designing the system and selecting equipment. In some cases, additional measures such as weatherproof casings or heaters may be required to ensure that the cameras continue to function effectively in adverse weather conditions.

CCTV installation – the key points

In conclusion, hiring a professional CCTV installer is essential for homeowners and business owners who want to maximize their property’s security. Not only do professional installers have the knowledge and expertise to install CCTV correctly, but they also understand the compliance requirements in the UK. If you’re thinking about installing CCTV, don’t take the risk of doing it yourself – hire a professional installer and ensure your property is secure.